Is it a rumor or for real? Ready for the new Apple iDeskPhone? Simply a concept Photoshop’d design idea I had for Apple to take-over the home / office phone market. We all still use a desk type of phone in the office most of the time. Some of us still have phones in our home. So why not a wireless / WiFi / Cloud enabled phone that takes advantage of FaceTime. Similar to an iPad’s touch screen the “iDeskPhone” could sync with all your other mobile devices for contacts and perhaps iTunes playlist’s for “on-hold” music or customized corporate messages. Built-in camera could switch between the iDeskPhone’s camera and other webcams at your desk for multi-views during conferencing. How about displaying multiple people’s faces while on a conference group call? Voicemail management and Calendars could all be integrated and sync. Ask Siri for the Plumber’s number and call from here. Use home or office security based iPad apps and for IP based camera views (ah, yes some one is knocking at my front door or waiting in the lobby, let me see who it is while I’m on this call). Facial recognition could also play a roll in an advanced desktop phone (switch address books and users, if other people sit at your desk or workstation area!). What do you think? Come on Apple, hire me, I can help dream up ideas too! Pst… my contact form is on this site.
January 27, 2012#