April 11, 2016#

Anchors Aweigh

LetsSailOne of the latest Crazy Shirts samples to arrive in my mail box is my “Let’s Sail” anchor design. I really thought it should’ve been named Anchors Aweigh (or Anchors Away), and printed on a navy blue shirt. But, wow, it really jumps on red, I like it. Designed for a women’s T, as a nautical theme. At the time of this post, the shirt is not available on CrazyShirts.com website. However, you might find it locally at one of their many stores, maybe on the mainland, San Diego or San Francisco I’m thinking (i’m not sure really when and where it’ll land). You might get lucky and find it, or pick up one of the other fabulous pieces of art adoring their shelves. Aloha!

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